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Posted September 2, May 24, Stats Ignoring. Find More Posts by Hooves. First off, you copy them directly in your installation folder. That square over it shows what kind of Disaster is invading that Star Region. daiteikoku patch 1.02

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The bottom tab reads as following: In the picture above, Japan is at full Public Peace, as indicated by the second inner ring closest to the outside. It should ask you if you want to overwrite certain files; that's means you're doing it right. Pacth must log in or sign up to reply here.

You have what is called a "Star Region Map" in order to view other locations throughout the world.

Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2. You attack the regions that you want to attack. By this I mean that the enemy can have more than 8, but you cannot.

daiteikoku patch 1.02

Once you have completed the battle and have acquired at least 8 stars, all you need to do now to secure your victory is to click on the upper right button in the shape of a planet to send the Japanese Marine Corps to secure the planet and ensure your victory.

You should do Hanitora's H event as your first event since three turns pathc it her other event will trigger and then you are safe to take over china's last planet. Contact Us - Support - AnimeSuki. Posted September 2, Obviously, if you haven't noticed by now presumably because you absolutely detest historythis game is based on a World War II setting, only, it's in space.

Actually Rance did not arpe her.

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You have to know few things. And yes, enemies have many, many benefits over you, some of which include Massive Laser shields, double damage on certain commanders, etc.

If you feel like you need to rearrange your battle layout once you've already selected admirals, you daiteikokku click on each battlezone and de-select the admirals that you wish and rearrange them.

daiteikoku patch 1.02

You'll see why later. They will leave once they've depleted all your Public Peace in that region, then you are allowed to boost it up again.

For all the weeaboo's and Rance rape lovers out there.

All new events will have the "new" tag labeled on them; if you do not select it one turn, the "new" tag will disappear the next Event Phase, but the actual event will still be there unless there is a condition. How caiteikoku that is I can't say, but several people with industry knowledge seem to think there's a high probability.

daiteikoku patch 1.02

But it only lasts for 3 turns Send a private message to GDB. In the Tactics Phase, it's quite simple: Visber the laser girl, crazy about money events are easier to do. Higher levels means higher bonus percentages for admirals, which I will explain later because I neglected to explain this in the "Strategy Parch post, damn it!

By the way, the soundtracks for this game are amazing. To begin the battle, click on the same lower right button to initiate Again, take care not to accidentally double-click when in the admiral select screen, you will prematurely start your battle if you have not completed finishing your battle layout or thought it through well enough. In a Japanization daitteikoku can still do her events but all you get is a H scene but wont be able to recruit her. It is fine to criticize but if you are going to you should provide a serious reason instead of just telling me to not waste my time.

In order for you to have these same benefits, you must research certain ship types that give you bonuses, like the Laser shields that the Aeris Empire admirals have. In the Event Phase, click on the purple-haired girl with a cat on her head and a wrench in her hand, Tsunami yes, that really is her namein order to open the Development shop, for she is the de facto owner.

For all the weeaboo's and Rance rape lovers out there. | Page 9 | rpgcodex > there is no hive mind

It should ask you whether you want to overwrite, to which you must say yes, and you're done. That should be all Everything can be done just by using your mouse, but keyboard sometimes comes in handy.

This is the phase in which you caiteikoku ships, manage your funds and scout adjacent Star Regions the circles on the map for enemy information.

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