Tuesday, November 19, 2019


I find this to be a little bit of an anoyance. Where did you get it from? Here is a picture of my sheep skin pad And I was trying to figure out how to fix it. Took a ride and boy are they comfortable. Hi Gary, No deep connections to sheep harvesters. deadsheap skin

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That does look really comfortable. He must have some deep connections to sheep harvesters. Do you remember where you got it from. What a great world! Stupid search engines with their doggone boolean search strings!

Deadsheap Skin

Google is my friend: There were a couple of bike-specific hits on the first page. Just got my sheepskin seat covers for my Swing. The wind curls up the front edge and it rides up from that.

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I got a bead seat a few years ago and just love it. Skkn Gary, No deep connections to sheep harvesters. I see you illustration shows that Permissions in this forum: I'll give it a try when I get back from Eureka Springs. Where did you get it from?

I have an Alaskan Sheepskin. Not a real biggy, but aggravating. Hi Gary, Just ordered a sheep skin seat cover for my in charcoal gray.

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Even with the discount code, I paid more than that dang Dennis did. I just got my new seat cover. Last edited by Emeskay on Tue Jul 28, 4: I really like it! I am considering a very short deadeheap of velcro to hold the passenger skin down when the missis is not aboard. Posts Topics Advanced Search.

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I got at www. It was the large 18" x 18" Thanks for the great thread.

You cannot reply to topics in this forum. However, with my weight on it, it couldn't move very much. This is hinney heaven.

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Also, what kind of seat do you have on your swing? Last edited by Emeskay on Tue Jul 28, 3: Do you have any trouble keeping your sheepskin in place? This is an interesting article: Honda Silver Wing Scooter Forum:: I have to help guide it past dearsheap rail. I'll have to ponder that for a bit. It rubs the hand rail when closing the seat.

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