Monday, November 18, 2019


Wed, 04 August , Windows is just weird, I never heard about it until way later. Works in onenote and word. That couldnt have been easy. Did you miss your activation email? They did a good job with the 3-way syncing. dell poweredge 400sc drivers

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Only kb of ram tho.

By the way, what are the specs of this Poweredge? Make sure you're using Professional. I used Win Pro for about 6 years. Then they got it and it looked weird and asked all these management questions on bootup so they stuck it in a closet and forgot about it.

I wonder if I could get into that stuff?

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I wish I took it. I use Office 97 for the most part. I was especially impressed with the way they duplicated onenote in the browser. I work at a school district. I liked it a lot.

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I tried out the web apps and they're pretty slick, well implemented as far as I can see. Rell I mean throwing The only downside is their lack of MIDI support For some mind-numbingly stupid reason, students don't get it. This sort of thing happens a lot around here.

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I basically got two OSes instead of the normal one, but the guy in charge said they had extras anyway and that he wanted to get rid of them before the date where Microsoft restocks them. Pretty sure it was IVat either 2.

I do like it with the quadcore and its very fast. Windows is just weird, I drivsrs heard about it until way later. Wed, 04 August That couldnt have been easy.

Did you miss your activation email? You got to give Microsoft some credit for coding driver detection on so many different pieces of hardware. Seems kind of strange.

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Advanced search typing on a cloud of. Windows 7 is great. Maybe he put in a sound card. Or is it all "colledge-only"?

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I need a computer!! I lost my '03 CD, but '97 gets the job done. Please login or register. We've got professors with RAID machines on their desk with no idea how they got it or what it does.

Works in onenote and word.

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Great for language learners.

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