Sunday, December 1, 2019


Email Required, but never shown. In Eclipse, right-click on the project and choose Properties then Java Compiler and ensure Compiler compliance level is 1. Will Dailey Will Dailey 1 2 2 bronze badges. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. Asked 5 years, 2 months ago. Unzip the downloaded file, which will give you a directory called jumpstart Ant now does build the h2 file as needed.

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Click on User Entries. You now have the following environment available to Eclipse: Run the get-dependent-files target in the project's build. If it cannot get the kaptcha jar from nexus. Ensure the project is using Java 1.

Go to Codehaus Downloads and download jetty Click on the Arguments tab. If has problems due to the maven repository being slow or inaccessible, open the project's build.

Finally ant to build. Will Dailey Will Dailey 1 2 2 bronze badges. Click on the Classpath tab. Ant now does build the h2 file as needed. This will be your embedded EJB container during development. It will prompt you to confirm. The Run Configurations window will appear. There is no root cause. Ant Fails for Pig 0.

Move it to your development area, eg. If your internet connection is through a proxy then modify the setproxy tag in build. Open it in Eclipse 3.

eclipse - Ant Build Fails for Pig for Hadoop 2 - Stack Overflow

Move it to a suitable location eg. Set the VM arguments to the following, replacing the value of openejb. To run it in Eclipse: Remove the default classpath entry. It will also run collapser. Sign up using Facebook. Not a very good root cause, but I jetty-6.1.26.zzip not experience the problem again. The project can't build just yet so it will show errors. When I used HomeBrew to install it uncompressed the zip file. In Eclipse, right-click on the project and choose Properties then Java Compiler jetty-6.1.26.zlp ensure Compiler compliance level is 1.

I use HomeBrew as my package installer. We have to "spell out" the classpath jetty-6.1.26.zp jetty to avoid classloader issues. This should build the project successfully and show no errors. Sign up using Email and Password.

Email Required, but never shown. How do we handle problem users?

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