Saturday, November 16, 2019


Download the Windows Device Recovery Tool. Indonesia Bahasa - Bahasa. If your phone still isn't detected, try restarting it while it's connected. What will I need to use the tool? Can I download the tool on a PC that's not running Windows? When you use this tool on a phone that's running a preview build, it will reinstall the latest version of Windows approved for your phone by its manufacturer. wdrt

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It is not recommended that you restore a Windows 10 backup to a Windows 8 phone. Crna Gora - Srpski. If that doesn't work, back up your stuffthen download the tool and use it to reinstall Windows on your phone. To avoid Phone Backup Overwrite after switching to Windows 10, you must rename the device.

How do I use the tool? Will this tool work on phones running Insider Preview builds? Bosna i Hercegovina - Hrvatski.


Before you use this tool, see if restarting or resetting your phone fixes the problem. United States - English.

When you use this tool on a phone that's running a preview build, it will reinstall the latest version of Windows approved for your phone by its manufacturer. Qdrt to main content. Will this tool work on any phone? South Africa - English. New Zealand - English. Indonesia Bahasa - Bahasa.

United Kingdom - English. It also works on HP devices.

Can I download the tool on a PC that's not running Windows? What will I need to use the tool?

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If your phone isn't automatically detected after you connect it, disconnect your phone, select My phone was not detectedthen wdgt the on-screen prompts. Follow the on-screen prompts to install it, then select Launch application. Your feedback will help us improve the support experience. Make sure reset protection is turned off, or you'll need to know the name and password for the primary account on the device to use it.

When your phone is detected, select Install software. Before running the tool, try restarting edrt resetting your phone to see if that fixes the problem.

It'll install the latest version of Wdgt approved for your phone and remove everything else, including your apps, games, texts, call history, music, and photos. The installation process will delete all the content on your wdr your apps, texts, and photos—so it's important to back up your stuff first if you can.

Installation may take a while, depending on the speed of your Internet connection, and you won't be able to use your phone until it's done. Download the Windows Device Recovery Tool. Some devices let you use reset protection to keep strangers from resetting and reusing your phone without permission.

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Tell us what we can do to improve the article Submit. Did this solve your problem? If your phone still isn't detected, try restarting it while it's connected. To start getting preview builds again, you'll need to sdrt to Download Windows Insider Preview for phones to download the Windows Insider app on your phone, then follow the steps to install Insider Preview. At least 4 GB of free storage space on your PC.


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